Awareness of occupational indoor air quality (IAQ) ensures employees are provided with a healthy work environment and optimizes personal productivity.

Mold and bacteria can grow in any environment when the right conditions exist, especially in instances of unresolved moisture intrusion and excessive humidity.

Particles, dusts, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fumes, vapors, and other airborne contaminates have allowable and even optimal occupational exposure limits that can be achieved through awareness and management.

We help commercial and institutional clients identify, evaluate, control, and monitor for mold and other air contaminates. Our employees have extensive experience in providing:

  • Investigations
  • Quantitative Sampling
  • Source Mitigation
  • Building Surveys
  • Mechanical Systems Review
  • Management Plan Development

Please click here for more information.


Phone: 952-746-5880 • Fax: 952-746-5882
8612 Eagle Creek Parkway
Savage, MN 55378

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