Environmental health and safety (EHS) programs establish the means to minimize risk, safeguard human health, and protect the environment. Occupational standards exist to provide employers with rules and regulations to reduce such risks.
Compliance to regulatory agencies can be complex and overwhelming. Our employees can assist employers in managing the following (for example):
- A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR)
- Air Permitting
- Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Agents
- Chemical Exposure in Laboratory Settings
- Community Right to Know
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Action Planning / Fire Prevention
- Hazard Communication
- Hazardous Materials and Waste
- Hearing Conservation
- Machine Guarding
- Material Handling , Lift Devices, Powered Platforms
- Occupational Recordkeeping
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Safety Training
Through effective audits, assessments, implementation, and control verification; regulatory compliance can be achievable for any employer.
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